) Voyage Best Hotel Brand 2023

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Voyage Best Hotel Brand 2023


Voyage and Ctrip have jointly announced the winners of the 15th

Voyage Best Hotel & Resort Award 2023.

As the pioneer award for urban residences and global travellers,

This prestigious award presents a premier list of hotels and residences every year.

Stanford Residences is proud to announce that we have been awarded

 with the Best Hotel Brand 2023 this year.


The award-winning residence

Together we celebrate the timeless quality in our well-appointed, refined residence.

We are honored to receive this award,

We also appreciate the recognition from Voyage and the readers.

Stanford Residences will continue to deliver the exceptional living experience for our residents as their ideal home.


The unswerving elegance

Stanford Residences has been constantly exploring the art of living throughout years,

Offering a contemporary yet stylish living experience for all residents.

We are committed to infuse our meticulous service into the residents’ daily life,

To create an elegant and upscale living experience in our stylish residence.


A diverse future

Again, we appreciate all the support from the award participants and the residents of Stanford Residences.

We are greatly encouraged and inspired by this award.

Stanford Residences will continue to embark on the diverse journey,

To create a timeless and exquisite living space for all residents.

Indulge in the comfort of being at home.


About Voyage Best Hotel & Resort Value Award

The Voyage Best Hotel & Resort Award has a distinguished history of 14 years. Each year, the award aims at different themes that reflect the development of the tourism and hospitality industry. The main topic of the 15th Voyage Best Hotel & Resort Award 2023 and the TOP50 Must-Stay Hotels in China is "Reconnecting with the World", which also reflects the trend of the recent development in hospitality industry, the city's pioneer resorts, and the most popular residences for global travellers.


Explore the connection between people and the environment,

In the present and the future.

Celebrate elegance and quality in life with ingenuity.